Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weekend here we come..

As I start this I really have no room to complain about having a long hard week because all we did was go to the pool every day, sleep in till 10 and had one dr. appt. that I didn't even have to get ready for, because my husband took Cade to it. In my defense though I will say that even doing nothing sometimes wears you out more then doing something and being broke for the past two weeks just waiting each and every day until payday can make the days seem even longer and more depressing. Thankfully I have made it to payday...yup, at midnight tonight we get paid, so tomorrow...I actually have plans! Nothing luxurious, but seems like even just a trip to walmart or target is a vacation this time around!
Kyler is getting a bike as we sold his last week cuz it was too small. Every day he has woke up wanting to know if it was saturday yet and if we had money for his bike. I usually say, "I am not even quite sure myself what day it is as they all seem to run together...let's go look at the calendar~" We have it narrowed down to two different stores but one specific type of bike. I am really excited for him because I have been feeling bad as Cade gets to go riding with his lil friends around here but Kyler has to stand by and just sniff sniff and watch them play. Oh how mommy's heart has been ripped out during those moments...Tomorrow after we get the bike I will probably be whining about Kyler taking off and me having to stand outside and watch him in the heat, but for today I am awaiting tomorrow in joyful anticipation!
We also need to go get the mile long school supply list before all the other happy school goers take em all! And with school supplies, come school clothes. My friend told me just to go to craigslist to get clothes, so I think I am going to try that today and see what I can find and if it's worth my time, etc...sometimes I would rather pay a lil extra for convenience of not having to drive to some city or town that I am uncertain of where I am going and not certain if what they advertised online is even what I will be getting. At least I know I will and can find something in children's place or kohl's or the gap, etc...and if it doesn't work I can take it back and will not have wasted gas getting there!
Does anyone have any great lines that I can use for a 6 year old to try to convince him to get a REAL backpack from a sporting goods store as opposed to one of those el cheapo star wars/transformers plastic bags that are just going to shred to pieces around second semester?
If so please let me know...I wonder if we could sew a star wars patch on a jansport and make it pass as an official jedi bag! ha ha
Let's see..what else is on my list....stainless steel dish strainer...bed, bath and beyond....Sam was throwing a fit about how dirty the plastic one gets all the time even though I clean it regularly....I won't discourage him though if he is wanting to get me a nicer one!!! We even had an argument what direction it was supposed to face. We finally agreed to disagree and when he does dishes he can turn it how he wants and when I do em I will do it how I want! And when the magic elves do them, well...they are magic so they probably do not even need a dish strainer!
Ok, Ok...I am heading out now get some house cleaning done since I have such a packed tomorrow and won't have time for it this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You have magic elves to?? Mine just make the mess, they don't clean it up!!
